Hi! My name is Joachim Kennedy.
I’m a software engineer based in Seattle.
I enjoy running, reading, watching movies, playing chess and pickleball, wandering around, improv, karaoke, cooking, and trying new things. If you read anything here that resonates with you, I would be delighted to hear about it at (joachimkennedy [at] gmail [dot] com)!
I’m trying to help bring blogs back as the premier social media which means that it’s long overdue that I start assembling a directory of other blogs I like.
Office Hours
There’s a slight scheduling change for the Fall/Winter. I’m pushing them back by an hour. They’re still weekly on Tuesdays, but starting from Sept 24, they’ll be at 7-10PM. If you want to come, you’re welcome to RSVP. If the date on the calendar says “OH [confirmed]”, that means someone else has already RSVPed and you’re welcome to just show up. Calendar, details, and long-winded explanation of office hours here.